The other day, during a spring walk among trees ready to cover themselves with leaves and the first adventurous bees, I was thinking about the concept of analogical.

In the projection of the world on our screens, between brightly colored videos, web pages full of content that no one will read and pop-up advertisements everywhere, our synapses try to keep up, making us think more and more that this is the reality. Perhaps, following some philosophical currents, this is precisely the case; on the other hand, our senses are bombarded more and more by a screen, and the mind adapts accordingly.

However, when electric fields stop powering digital creation, or when the smartphone is far from our eyes and the airpods from our ears, we are flooded again with analogical reality, and everything realigns.

When I set foot in an “analogical”fair, such as those one dedicated to board games, I feel like I’m going back to the old days when i was a child: not so much for the immense amount of toys of every kind and type, but for that feeling pervading me, the same as when we had nothing to do but look each other in the eyes trying to understand each other, or busy our hands and backs with work during the day, and playing all together in the evening. I feel something similar to the warmth of a crackling fireplace; slowly the notification anxieties recede; everything suddenly becomes slower and therefore reachable, close.

This may be the reason that I like board games so much: for the true and complete participation of people who, around a table, free themselves from any digital frills, from any alienation, concentrating solely on what there is to play properly. 

A fair like Modena Play is the quintessence of this warmth of times past: hype for purchases aside, to enjoy the contents of these three magical days you just need to do a simple thing which outside those pavilions it is so difficult, but inside it’s so simple and natural: sitting together with others, listening, watching and merging within those few square meters where adventures, challenges will begin, and maybe also friendships.

This is why we at The Dicetroyers care particulary about this fair. The energy and strength to assemble, disassemble and be present in these three magical days comes precisely from the feeling of being like at home, meeting up year after year and seeing friends again, like the boys from Little Rocket, Ludus Magnus and Pendragon.

In our stand you will be able to touch all our products; and our greatest satisfaction will be seeing that spark of wonder in your eyes as you see the best solution for your game or the accessory that was really missing from your collection. We will all be there, and it will be a pleasure and an honor to chat with you who have given life to the dream of “The Dicetroyers”, which year after year becomes more and more reality.

Our thanks in advance goes to all of you who will participate in this wonderful event and will, like us, feel that warmth, that desire and that passion which push you to travel all the kilometers necessary to get to Modena with your legs, your heads but especially your hearts.

See you around and believe us if we tell you that this year will be the best, the next one too and so on. Because excellence is the nourishment of passion, and our tables will always be set for your feasts, it’s a promise.

Discover also the other games in our catalog and contact us for any request or question!